History, World War II

Burning T-60 Tank. Operation Barbarossa

Burning T-60 Tank. Operation Barbarossa

The T-60 was a Soviet light tank used during World War II. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Design and Development: The T-60 was developed as a replacement for the T-40 and T-50 light tanks. It was designed by the designer N. A. Astrov and produced by the GAZ (Gorkovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) plant.
  2. Specifications: The T-60 was a small and lightweight tank, weighing around 5.8 tons. It had a crew of two and was armed with a 20mm TNSh cannon and a 7.62mm DT machine gun.
  3. Armor and Mobility: The tank had relatively thin armor, providing protection against small arms and shell splinters. Its mobility was facilitated by a GAZ-203 engine, which gave it a top speed of around 45 km/h.
  4. Role in World War II: The T-60 played a role in the early years of World War II, particularly during the Eastern Front. It was used for reconnaissance, infantry support, and light combat duties.
  5. Limitations: While the T-60 was agile and had some advantages in terms of mobility, it was limited in terms of armor and firepower. It struggled against heavier German tanks, and its role shifted as the war progressed and more advanced Soviet tanks became available.
  6. Production and Phasing Out: The T-60 was produced in significant numbers from 1941 to 1942. However, production was eventually phased out in favor of more capable tanks like the T-70 and T-34.
  7. Legacy: The T-60, despite its limitations, played a role in the early stages of the war when the Soviet Union faced the German invasion. It was part of the Soviet strategy to have a mix of light tanks for reconnaissance and infantry support.

While the T-60 had its shortcomings, it contributed to the Soviet war effort in the early stages of World War II and is remembered as one of the light tanks of that era.

Photo: Burning T-60 Soviet Light Tank. Operation Barbarossa.
Date: Summer 1941.

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